Swordmaker's supplies:
Tsuba Blanks

 Sei Do Kai
44 Inkerman St.
Guelph Ontario
Canada N1H 3C5

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Steel Tsuba blanks

Laser cut steel tsuba

These tsuba blanks are made from mild steel and are ready to be worked by you into whatever wonderful designs you have in mind. You can use ironworking chisels and files, or rotary grinding tools if you are of a less traditional attitude. (Click image for a larger view)

From left to right we call these "Round", "Round Pierced", and "Moku-kogai". 

You can order by paypal or see the bottom of the page for other payment methods. All these blanks are 3/16" (4.5mm) thick. The round tsuba are 3 1/16" (7.8cm) in diameter, and the moku are 3 1/8" (8cm)  by 2 7/8" (7.3cm).
round-pierced Round-pierced $28

Since the blanks have proven so popular, we have introduced a few more designs. These are much further along to being finished but you will still have to do some filing. The steel will also need to be finished to prevent rusting. Click on the photo to see a larger image.
click for larger photo 3 spoke round $21
click for larger photo diamond beak $33
                            for larger photo XOlines $36
                          spoke round tsuba blank 2 spoke swirl $25
wagon wheel tsuba blank Wagon Wheel $42

Blanks? Did I say these were blanks? We have people using these tsuba as is on their blades, but we consider them blanks and charge accordingly.

Tsuba blank cost includes shipping in North America.

NOTE: for orders of 3 or more, or for wholesale orders of 10 or more tsuba email us  


Here is a lovely  project by Matt Draper who took one of the round tsuba, flattened two sides, then antiqued it with ferric chloride, engraved it in a tiger stripe/rapid river pattern, then plated it with nitric acid and copper.


Please email me at to order or send your check or International money order to:

Sei Do Kai
44 Inkerman St
Guelph Ont
Canada N1H 3C5


"It's not exactly full of beautiful models in undies but you might find something you want."

Items from this catalog are sold to support the University of Guelph Sei Do Kai. The Sei Do Kai provides training in Iaido, Kendo, Niten Ichi-ryu Kenjutsu and Shindo Muso Ryu Jodo through classes, seminars and camps.

To order email

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Page last modified June 15, 2020 by Kim Taylor